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Cadmus – Legendary Phoenician Hero And Founder Of Prosperous City Of Thebes

Cadmus - Legendary Phoenician Hero And Founder Of Prosperous City Of Thebes

A. Sutherland  – – This legend is devoted to Cadmus, who in Greek mythology was the legendary Phoenician hero and founder of Boeotian Thebe, husband of Harmony, and one of the five sons of King Agenor (“heroic, manly”) of Tyre.

Cadmus – Legendary Phoenician Hero And Founder Of Prosperous City Of Thebes

Cadmus fighting the dragon depicted on an ancient vase. Credit: Louvre – Public Domain

The King sent his sons into the world for his sister Europa, whom Zeus kidnapped, and the brothers’ task was challenging since their father ordered them to return when they found their sister.

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