Brutus Of Troy: First King Of Britain Or Just A Myth?
A. Sutherland – – Whether Brutus of Troy should be considered the first king of Britain and the founder of London remains a controversial subject still debated among scholars. It is a very interesting story originating from intriguing myths. Yet, there are those who considered the story of Brutus of Tory to be a historical account based on real events.
According to medieval legend, the founder and first king of Britain was the Trojan exile known as Brutus of Troy, who was said to be the descendant of the Trojan hero, Aeneas.
This legend first appears in the Historia Britonum, a 9th-century historical compilation attributed to Nennius, a Welsh monk of the 9th century.
A similar, but more detailed account is given by Geoffrey of Monmouth in his Histori Regum Britanniae, in the 12th century.
The problem with both accounts is that Brutus of Troy is that he does not appear in classical works and is not regarded as being a historical figure by most historians.
From the Historia Britonum, we learn that “the island of Britain derives its name from Brutus, a Roman consul” who conquered Spain.
Who was Brutus of Troy?
Brutus was supposed to be a Trojan prince descended from Trojans who had escaped the fall of Troy and had settled in Italy on the banks of the Tiber.
In a hunting accident when Brutus was in his teens he killed his father with an arrow and was punished by being exiled from Italy.
When he came to Greece he encountered some Trojans who had been slaves since the fall of Troy.

Brutus became their leader and they became collectively known as ‘Britons’ (after Brutus). After a series of battles, Brutus not only freed the enslaved Trojans but also defeated the Greek king Pandrasus by attacking his camp at night after capturing the guards He took him hostage and forced him to let his people go. Pandrasus, in gratitude for his life and probably to rid himself of the troublesome Trojans, also gave him his daughter, Ignoge, in marriage and enough ships and supplies to leave Greece.

Brutus has a prophetic dream
On his travels Brutus cameacross a deserted island. While exploring the island he found an abandoned temple to the goddess Diana. Brutus performed certain appropriate sacred rituals in honor of the goddess and fell asleep in front of the statue of the goddess. As he slepft Diana appeared to him in a dream and showed him visions of a fair island in the western oceans, called Albion, which is home to just a few giants. He learned from the dream that his destiny is to lead his followers there and settle the land founding a new nation destined for greatness.
Brutus meets the great warrior Corinues
Brutus sailed again and after some adventures in North Africa and a close encounter with the Sirens, Brutus discovered another group of exiled Trojans living on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea. These people were led by the great warrior Corineus, a fighter of giants.
While in Gaul, Corineus decided to go hunting in the forests but failed to ask permission from the king of Aquitaine, Goffarius Pictus. Goffarius was enraged and a war followed between him and the Trojans. One of the casualties was the nephew of Brutus, named Turonus who was killed in the fighting.
Brutus and Corinues arrive in Britain
The Trojans had more battles with the Gauls and although they were mostly victorious they were aware that the Gauls had the advantage in numbers and in being on their home ground. Brutus and Corineus decided to return to the ships with their men snd continued their voyage to Britain, then called Albion.
They landed on “Totonesium litus”—”the sea-coast of Totnes”. They meet the descendants of Albion a race of giants, led by Gog and Magog, but Brutus and Corineus defeated them.

Brutus renamed the island after himself and became its first king. Corineus became ruler of Cornwall, which is named after him. They were harassed by the giants during a festival, but killed all of them but their leader, the largest giant Goemagot, who wassaved for a wrestling match against Corineus. Corineus threw him over a cliff to his death. Brutus then founded a city on the banks of the River Thames, which he named Troia Nova, or New Troy. The name was in time corrupted to Trinovantum, and the city was later called London
Brutus Stone
Today the Brutus Stone is said to mark that spot in the modern day town of Totnes. Geoffrey’s Historia says that Brutus and his followers landed at Totnes in Devon. A stone on Fore Street in Totnes, known as the “Brutus Stone”, commemorates this.

There is also a similar stone in London. The legendary London Stone, also known as the Stone of Brutus has been a symbol of the City for at least 900 years.
It remains unknown why the mysterious Stone Of Brutus was brought to London, UK.
There are several theories attempting to explain the stone’s enigmatic past, but even to this day this mysterious stone simply refuses to give up its secrets.

The death of Brutus
It is written that Brutus gave his people laws and rules for 24 years until his death and was buried in Trinovantum. His kingdom of Britain was then divided into three kingdoms ruled by his three sons Locrinus who ruled England, Albanactus who ruled Scotland and Kamber who ruled Wales.
Was Brutus of Troy the first king of Britain and the founder of London? As we have seen the entire story is based on mythical events mixed with some historical accounts. However, the foundation myth of Brutus having settled in Britain was still considered as genuine history during the Early Modern Period, for example Holinshed’s Chronicles (1577) considers the Brutus myth to be factual.
Written by – A. Sutherland – Senior Staff Writer
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