– A small stone artifact fashioned as a wood-carving gouge, discovered during an archaeological excavation on Emirau Island, Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea, has been determined to consist – The Preseli Hills – the source of some the stones at Stonehenge – have a sonic property and the giant bluestones of Stonehenge may have been chosen – Evidence for ancient and prehistoric astronomy exists but most of it is indirect and rather hidden. The Nabateans watched the sky systematically and accurately and the proof – Petra – was a “fairy city of pink sandstone”, mysterious, legendary and lost to the western world, and erased from our memory for over a thousand years. – Scientists recently analyzed the bodies of a group of Bronze Age people who were buried in the mysterious Taklamakan Desert and found evidence of cheese dating – Several puzzling ancient skulls with their faces smashed in offer possible evidence our ancestors attempted to fight a zombie apocalypse. Who were these mysterious feared beings whose – Apocalyptic text is inscribed with ink in Hebrew over a large stone. It’s the Gabriel Revelation – first published in 2007. It was discovered around the year 2000 – Egypt is a land full of ancient mysteries and one of them is an astonishing discovery made by archaeologists a while ago. How and why did this mysterious – The fascinating animal effigy platform pipes have been found mainly in ceremonial deposits at two sites, Mound City and Tremper Mound. The examples shown in the image include – When you hear about the Nazca Lines, you tend to think about Peru. Perhaps you also recall the thousands of unknown structures seen from space in the – Thousands of huge ancient structures made of stone are clearly visible from the air. Their age is estimated to thousands of years and their purpose remains unknown. These – Excavations conducted inside a mastaba tomb found in Tel El-Tabila in Dakahliya, Egypt a collection of three skeletons, a large collection of ushabti figurines and two – Standing some 2,000 miles west of Chile, on the Easter Island, 887 mysterious giant statues have intrigued scientists and the public for years. For a long time – It is one of the oldest mathematical problems in the world. Prime numbers are the fundamental building blocks of number theory, with every integer being expressed in – It is said that Agamemnon king of Mycenae, first sung by Homer in his epics, gave its name to one of the greatest civilizations of Greek prehistory – 9,000-year-old painting depicts an explosive and catastrophic volcano eruption located approximately 130 km northeast of Çatalhöyük, in central Turkey and a birds-eye view of a town – This underground tunnel is an excellent example of the remarkable ingenuity of the ancient Roman engineers. It is the world’s longest underground tunnel that is more – According to University of Cincinnati archaeologists conducting excavations in the famed Roman city of Pompeii, its ordinary inhabitants consumed grains, fruits, nuts, olives, lentils, local fish and chicken eggs, – If you are into science fiction then you are most likely interested in time travel. The idea that we could visit the past or the future is – Archaeologists in Sweden have made an astounding discovery unearthing 29 ancient figurines of gold men (“guldgubbar”) dating back to the Iron Age. Working in great secrecy, archaeologists – Evidence of complex microbial ecosystems dating back almost 3.5 billion years has been found in Western Australia’sPilbara region by an international team including UWA Research Assistant – Archaeologists have made yet another incredible discovery. When experts opened a 300 year-old coffin they found perfectly preserved body! The tomb was unearthed on October 10, 2013 – Ancient human relatives — the Denisovans crossed the famous Wallace’s Line, one of the world’s biggest biogeographic barriers which is formed by a powerful marine current along – There may be certain technologies that might pose “extinction-level” risks to our species, from biotechnology to artificial intelligence, according to a team of scientists who propose
A. Sutherland – – The captivating idea that we might be living in 3 dimensional holographic simulation has been put forward by various scientists. We will explore