A. Sutherland – MessageToEagle.com – The Bennu is an ancient Egyptian deity linked with the sun, creation, and rebirth. It may have been the inspiration for the phoenix
A. Sutherland – MessageToEagle.com – Medieval knights followed chivalry – the lifestyle and moral code. The term takes its name from the French word chevalier (meaning ‘horseman’), and
MessageToEagle.com – On June 4, 1798, Casanova – famous seducer snd adventurer dies in a Castle in Bohemia. Casanova – his name was Giacomo Casanova (Jack Newhouse in
MessageToEagle.com – One of the most famous creatures of Celtic folklore is the Pooka (or puca). Ancient people’s beliefs say that if you treat the Pooka with respect,
MessageToEagle.com – On 3 June 1853, Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie was born at Charlton, near Greenwich, London, England. Sir Petrie was a British archaeologist and Egyptologist who
MessageToEagle.com – Diamonds do not come from coal. The diamonds we find today were formed millions of years ago in molten rock, more than 160 km below the
MessageToEagle.com – On June 2, 1858, Comet Donati was first observed by an astronomer Giovanni Battista Donati at Florence, Italy. After the Great Comet of 1811, it was
MessageToEagle.com – On June 1, 1676, dramatic naval Battle of Öland was fought between Swedish navy in the Baltic Sea and an allied Danish-Dutch fleet. Just as the battle
A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – In the Inca and Aymara mythologies, Supay (‘Andean Devil’) was both the god of death and powerful ruler of the Incan underworld Ukhu
MessageToEagle.com – On May 31, 1279 BC, Ramesses II (1303 BC-1213 BC) became the third king of the 19th Dynasty of Egypt at the age of twenty-five. Ramesses
MessageToEagle.com – Casa Grande Ruins are pre-Columbian ruins in south-central Arizona, U.S., in the Gila River valley just north of Coolidge. Discovered in 1694 by Jesuit missionary Eusebio
MessageToEagle.com – Evidence of an ice age in the polar deposits of Mars has been found by researchers at the Southwest Research Institute using data collected by NASA’s
MessageToEagle.com – On May 30, 1010, Emperor Renzong of Song is born. Emperor’s personal name was Zhao Zhen, and he was the fourth emperor of the Song dynasty
A. Sutherland – MessageToEagle.com – Among the most interesting archaeological finds that have been at times associated with Celtic culture is the Gundestrup Cauldron, a magnificent vessel made
MessageToEagle.com – On May 29, 1660, Charles II was restored to the throne. The years of his reign are known in English history as the Restoration period, when Cromwell’s
MessageToEagle.com – On 28 May 585 BC, a solar eclipse occurs, as predicted by the Greek philosopher and scientist Thales of Miletus (625 BC – 545 BC). Thales
MessageToEagle.com – According to very ancient poems, Odin’s sons, Weldegg, Beldegg, Sigi, Skiold, Sæming, and Yngvi, became kings of East Saxony, West Saxony, Franconia, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
MessageToEagle.com – On May 27, 1905, the Battle of Tsushima known as the “Sea of Japan Naval Battle” took place and was the major battle between Russia and
A. Sutherland – MessageToEagle.com – His name Beowulf is among the greatest heroes of the English-speaking people and his story has been known for generations. The hero and
MessageToEagle.com – Galaxies begin their existence as lively and colorful spiral galaxies, full of gas and dust, and actively forming bright new stars. Later, when they age, they
MessageToEagle.com – On May 26, 1328, William of Ockham, a Franciscan Friar, secretly leaves Avignon fearing a death sentence from Pope John XXII. He was known as “Doctor
MessageToEagle.com – This tapestry was unearthed during excavations in 1983/84 at an ancient burial site in the Tarim Basin’s oasis settlement of Sampul (or Shanpula) in western China.
MessageToEagle.com – A 2500-year-old Phoenician dubbed the “Young Man of Byrsa” or “Ariche”, had European ancestry related to locations somewhere on the North Mediterranean coast, most probably on
MessageToEagle.com – On May 25, 735, it’s a feast day devoted to the Venerable Bede, a remarkable priest, monk, scholar. This great person died on this day and
MessageToEagle.com – Dodona (Greek Dōdōnē) was an ancient Greek town located in Epirus, historical region now shared between Greece and Albania. Dodona was the ancient seat of the oracle