– Using the Subaru Telescope atop Maunakea, researchers have identified 11 dwarf galaxies and two star-containing halos in the outer region of a large spiral galaxy 25 million – This dark, reddish and highly-elongated interstellar asteroid was revealed by ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile. It’s name is Oumuamua. Oumuamua is indeed unique object, traveling through space for – This is one of the most exotic alien planets, which fascinated astronomers more than a decade ago. Twice the size of Earth – and named “55 Cancri – A chain of volcanoes is running across the Pacific Ocean floor, but suddenly in the middle of this chain lies a bend of 60 degrees. What did – A new type of explosion in a distant galaxy has been discovered by an international team of astronomers from from Finland, Sweden, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Chile, and – Star can be reduced to white dwarf status by its companion, according to a series of observations conducted by Brazilian astronomers between 2005 and 2013. Reserchers studied – NASA researchers have found evidence that a geothermal heat source called a mantle plume, located deep below West Antarctica’s Marie Byrd Land, may help to explain why – The second most distant dusty, star-forming galaxy ever found in the universe has been discovered by astronomers at UMass Amherst and in Mexico using the Large Millimeter Telescope – A gigantic collision of several galaxy clusters, each containing hundreds of galaxies, has produced a spectacular panorama of shocks and tremendous amounts of energy. The collisions generated – Mysterious moon Enceladus is one of the most fascinating places in our Solar System to search for life. During its mission, the international Cassini spacecraft have made – The existence of this celestial body was previously thought extremely improbable but an international team of astronomers has now proved it really exists. The unusual planet NGTS-1b – There are no fountains or magical springs that can wonderfully fill our tired bodies and hearts with new energy. The desire of eternal youth is indeed very – More than a year ago, NASA’s Dawn spacecraft presented spectacular images of bright craters on the dwarf planet Ceres. Today more Dawn spacecraft data comes from the – Astronomers have observed a gigantic cosmic collision between two neutron stars. This spectacular cosmic event was seen for the very first time. The light was detected by – Not all galaxies are like the spindle-like galaxies, which represent another – very rare – kind of galaxy, shaped like a cigar, which rotates along its long – Haumea is considered the most peculiar of Pluto companions. The planet – one of the four known trans-Neptunian dwarf planets, discovered in 2003 – is a very – “Heavenly Eye” also known as “The Eye of Heaven” is China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope, which began its work – An unusual red aurora was observed in Kyoto, Japan during an extreme magnetic storm that occurred on 17 September 1770. Based on accessible historical documents, researchers have – Immediately before it shut down on the surface of the comet last year, Rosetta sent one last image of its touchdown site. Scientists analyzed Rosetta’s final telemetry. Among many detailed – Strange gigantic knife-like blades of ice detected on Pluto are among discoveries made by NASA’s New Horizons mission, during its flyby in July 2015. The coldest and – A newly discovered dwarf galaxy in the constellation Lynx creates for astronomers new possibilities for better understanding chemistry of the early universe, its formation and evolution. The – An unusual object – in fact, two asteroids orbiting each other – has been discovered in the solar system’s asteroid belt by an international team of astronomers. – The Sun’s largest solar flare in more than 12 years – and the eighth largest since modern records began in 1996 – has been captured in high – Active star formation upswells galaxies, like yeast helps bread rise, say astronomers. Using three powerful telescopes on the ground and in orbit, they observed galaxies from 11 – Researchers on NASA’s Juno mission have analyzed Jupiter’s auroras, which are the most powerful in the solar system. Their observations based on data collected by the ultraviolet