– Located near the Tower of Hercules outside the Galician city of Coruna, on the northern coast of Spain, there are several unusual megaliths and menhirs that serve a – A 16,500-year-old carving of a bird’s head bear markings used to record the passage of seasons that predate the invention of writing by 20,000 years. This fascinating – Kondoyor Massif is a mysterious perfectly round formation that is considered a geological oddity. From space it looks like an impact crater or remnants of an – At the end of the Classic Maya Period in the 9th century something happened that cause the demise of this once great ancient civilization in Central America. – Something is out there, but what is it? The quest for mythical Planet X or Planet 9, as astronomer call the object continues. Many theories have been – For the first time eve archaeologists have been allowed to access the Utah Test and Training Range, a restricted space where cutting-edge military technology is tested. What – While translating a very rare inscription on ancient Etruscan temple stone, archaeologists discovered the text was written in honor of the fertility goddess Uni, an important deity – When was the remote Australian continent first settled? Where did these ancient Australians come from? Was the island settled once, or on multiple occasions? Is there a – Archaeologists excavating in Sweden, just outside Fröshult in the county of Uppsala have discovered a number of mysterious medieval graves and a place of sacrifice with many – Archaeologists excavating at the Ring on Brodgar on Orkney, Scotland have unearthed a mysterious ancient structure that does not resemble anything else previously found in the area. – We know that the universe is roughly 14 billion years old, and that one day in the future the Universe will most likely cease to exist it – The giant squid was long considered to be true sea monster. Today, many people still believe in myths and legends about this extraordinary creature lurking beneath the waters. – According to a new study the Venus Table of the Dresden Codex has been misunderstood. An ancient astronomer, a Mayan version of ‘Copernicus’ observed Venus in the – A recent accidental discovery in Cambridge shows how widespread superstition was even among learned people and how far former residents went to protect themselves from evil – Scientists have tried to solve the mystery of why large parts of Canada are missing gravity. In the in the 1960s when the Earth’s global gravity fields – It has now been proven that British megaliths were deliberately astronomically aligned with the Sun and Moon about 5,000 years ago. All across the world there are – A large number of ancient spherical stone artifacts were discovered in South Africa. What was the purpose of these artifacts? Were they used as tools, weapons or – World’s oldest dictionaries come from the Akkadian Empire. The dictionaries are about 4,500-year-old and were discovered in Ebla, one of the earliest kingdoms in Syria. They written – When visitors Lonnie Watson and Mark Louviere from the Ft. Worth, Texas were walking along Waianae coast, they suddenly spotted a large petroglyph, etched into the sandstone. Upon – They are among the most fascinating cosmic phenomena. Astronomers know them as blazars and each of them harbors a supermassive black hole and jets emanating in opposite – This tiny artifact measures only 4 mm (1/8 inch) in diameter and might not look too exciting at first glance, but it’s a major discovery. Archaeologists think it – Deserts make up about 33% of the Earth’s surface. In ancient times, places that are today covered with sand where green, warm and had access to
Ellen Lloyd – – The world-famous Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology, Carl Jung (1875-1961) shared a deep interest in unexplained mysteries dealing with the power of – The most common and accepted theory is that the first people to reach the Americas crossed via an ancient land bridge between Siberia and Alaska about 12,600 – Durrington Walls is a prehistoric site located about 2 miles (3.2 km) north-east of Stonehenge, UK. This intriguing ancient site is part of a large Neolithic settlement