– An important 1,000-year-old Viking rune stone made by Fot runemaster has been discovered in Sweden. The rune stone has been missing for two centuries and was finally – A mysterious 6,000-year-old fort in Jordan puzzles scientists. Its existence raises a number of intriguing questions such as for example – why did inhabitants decide to settle – A 2,500-year-old cannabis burial shroud had been unearthed at Silk Road oasis in China. The ancient body of a who died when he was about 35 – On the morning of August 24, 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius erupted and broke its centuries-long silence. Its great cloud of hot ash, stones and poisonous gases – These huge footprints were certainly not left by a small animal, that’s for sure. In fact, they are considered to be one of the world’s largest – Archaeologists call it the “find of a lifetime” and there is no doubt the precious ancient artifacts discovered in the so-called “Griffin Warrior” grave can shed more light
Ellen Lloyd – – Millions of people around the world believe in live in reincarnation. The idea that we have lived before and will live again after we – A unique 9,000-yearl-old ritual spear with engraved ornament has been unearthed by archaeologists excavating in Bolków near Lake Świdwie, Poland. Scientists say it’s a very unusual artifact – Who were the first humans to occupy South America? Where did they come from and how long have they been there? These are questions we still have – According to an intriguing new theory, there is remarkable evidence suggesting Neolithic farming communities in Western Europe shared a common calendar about 6,000 years ago. The – As we all know water is a necessity for life as we know it. Unfortunately, large parts of the world’s population do not have access to clean – All readers of now have the chance to win the interesting book: The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of Temple Worship and Mythology of the Ancient – In New England we find about 800 ancient stone chambers of different and size and shape. Who built them and why, is a subject that is still – The Antikythera shipwreck is today most famous for the amazing 2,000-year-old computer that ‘saw onto future’. The ship resting underwater near the small island of Antikythera, – Located in the lowlands of Central America, Ceibal is the oldest known ceremonial site of the Maya civilization. It is an ancient plaza-pyramid complex that was used to – Ever since the most ancient times, jade has been held sacred throughout the world. Jade has been discovered in ancient tombs. Ancient civilizations decorated figurines of gods – Women’s interest in cosmetics goes back to very ancient times. In the ancient city of Antandros in the northwestern province of Balıkesir, Turkey archaeologists have unearthed ancient – A group of scientists have presented an alternate theory of how life on Earth started about four billion years ago. The current the “RNA world” hypothesis, is – When scientists excavated a Medieval cemetery in the Bernese Lakeland region of Switzerland they found as many as 342 bodies which had been buried there between the – A group of humans migrating out of Africa some 40,000 to 70,000 years ago mingled with an as-yet unknown branch of humanity, researchers say. Modern humans originated – The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. At 3-1/2 million square miles, Sahara is as large as the United States and covers one third of – In ancient times there were no fast trains or planes, but that did not stop our ancestors from traveling vast distanced and visit many foreign lands. A – Congratulations to the courageous Draken Harald Hårfagre crew! It’s been a long and hard journey, but the crew of Draken Harald Hårfagre has made it! The world’s – Ancient Romans obviously visited the Katsuren Castle in Japan. Four copper coins issued in ancient Rome have been discovered among the castle’s old ruins in Okinawa Prefecture. – Archeologists who specialize in excavation in Northern Scandinavia have unearthed ancient artifacts of the Sami People. The discovery was made in Lappland, a province in northernmost Sweden.