Augmented Virtual Teleportation – Jump Into A Movie Scene And Interact With People Or Visit Any Place In The World

Cynthia McKanzie – – Science fiction fans are familiar with teleportation and many people hope it will one day become a reality. Imagine to suddenly disappear into a think air and then re-appear in a completely different place.

We have a long way to go before we can develop proper teleportation technology that can transport us instantly from one location to another.

Teleportation in Star Trek

Teleportation in Star Trek.

Quantum teleportation already exist. Last year, for example, scientists successfully teleported quantum information securely within the confines of a diamond. Such accomplishments are highly significant and have big implications for quantum information technology — the future of how sensitive information is shared and stored.

Human teleportation is a much more complicated process. Some prominent scientists have made bold claims stating that human teleportation will be possible in the near future. Professor Michio Kaku maintains the technology to teleport a living person to another part of the Earth or even space could be available within decades, or at least by the next century.

It does sound remarkable and very exciting but let us not forget about the problems this technology must solve. In the coming years, researchers will be able to teleport water molecules, carbon oxide and finally DNA or organic molecules. As previously discussed, teleportation raises baffling questions about our existence.

The human body is a very complex creation that contains an enormous number of atoms – which is 7 followed by 27 zeros: 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 along with hydrogen, oxygen, calcium, sulphur and etc. – all perfectly arranged in infinitely more complex pattern than other things.

If you want to be teleported, you have to die first in order to re-appear in another place. You have to go through the process of copying atoms and destroying the original of “you”. Your copy will most probably have all your memories and feelings.

See also:

Past Present And Future Exist All At Once – Unravelling Secrets Of Quantum Physics

Mysterious Teleportation Case Of Major Tudor Pole Remains Unexplained

Gil Pérez: Unexplained Ancient Teleportation Of A Spanish Soldier

If this sound frightening, then, maybe we should try augmented virtual teleportation to start with.

Augmented Virtual Teleportation (AVT) is a new technology being developed by Dr. Taehyun Rhee and his team at the University’s Computational Media Innovation Centre (CMIC) that enables remote telepresence.

Remote VR (virtual reality) ‘travelers’ are teleported to where the Augmented Reality (AR) hosts are located to interact in a shared augmented environment, enabling them to communicate, collaborate and exchange knowledge and ideas across any distance, as though they were in the same location.

“It will unlock the power of teleportation in a digital way, allowing distant people to come together to travel, work, learn and play in a way that we have not yet experienced,” says Dr Rhee, Co-Director of the CMIC and Associate Professor in the Wellington Faculty of Engineering.

Travelling is achieved by blending AR and VR technologies with the use of 360-degree video and live streaming to “blend virtual objects with live video in real-time, and use high fidelity computer graphics with AR technology to seamlessly blend virtual objects into the shared space”.

Augmented Virtual Teleportation - Jump Into A Movie Scene And Interact With People Or Visit Any Place In The World

Augmented Virtual Teleportation allows you to visit distant places and talk to people. Credit: Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Augmented Virtual Teleportation offers a vast range of applications. The technology can be used in business, entertainment, tourism, and education. There are many benefits of removing the barrier of space between people.

Tourism is one area in which AVT is likely to have an impact, as people will be able to visit any place in the world without worrying about their safety to experience “a true virtual tour”.

“You can fully immerse in the space and communicate with the people there, realizing the idea of teleportation and allowing mutual communication between people in different places,” Dr. Taehyun Rhee explains.

Attending live sports matches, concerts, or educational opportunities in person are all possible with this technology, and the ability to interact with shared virtual objects in space provides many more possibilities for architecture, interior design, and real estate.

One of the biggest impacts of the technology could be on the entertainment industry.

“Augmented Virtual Teleportation can be used for film and games, allowing us to jump into the middle of a movie scene and interact with the people there—like a combination of a movie and a play. It is an entirely new approach to entertainment media, and perhaps the future of it.”

Augmented Virtual Teleportation will allow interaction between people around the world who may otherwise be unable to meet.

This is bi-directional communication that can create social collaboration between distant people. It will deliver meaningful new media for human communication.

Researchers want to make your augmented virtual trip as realistic as possible. The next step is to add senses like touch and smell to the existing video and audio cues. This will expand the teleportation experience.

Written by Cynthia McKanzie – Staff Writer