Astonishing News: First Photo Ever Of Living Extraterrestrial Organism Captured By Scientists
| – Brace for impact! Scientists have just announced they have captured the first image of a living extraterrestrial entity! Make no mistake about it. These beings do not resemble little green men or anything of that kind. This is a totally alien living space organism and this image is according to the science team, proof that alien or extraterrestrial life exists in space, outside the atmosphere of our planet Earth!
The study was conducted by scientists at the University of Buckingham Center for Astrobiology (BCAB) under the supervision of Professor Milton Wainwright.
The scientists said the image provides new evidence in support of the panspermia theory which says that life on Earth originated in space. The scientists also said the discovery supports the theory that living particles continue to rain down on Earth from space.
The researchers isolated the organism from minute pieces of debris collected from the stratospheric boundaries of space using powerful magnets. The debris was collected as part of a project carried out in Derbyshire which involved sending balloons to altitudes close to 30 kilometers in the stratosphere, near the boundaries of outer space.

According to Wainwright, the image (see above) shows a grain of salt crystal with the “amorphous form” of a living entity attached to its surface.
“The picture illustrates what we believe to be alien microbes high up in the stratosphere. Our team has caused quite a stir over the last couple of two years by claiming these microbes are continually arriving to Earth from space. Our critics have been vocal in dismissing our work but, as yet, no one has provided a viable alternative explanation for our peer reviewed work.”
The grain of salt was discovered with rare elements such as dysprosium, luetitum, neodymium and niobium, the scientists said.
Wainwright explained that, “as far as we can tell the particle has no relation to anything found on Earth. This latest launch is also exciting because the team has found particles containing, so-called, rare earth elements at a height close to 30 kilometers in the stratosphere.
“These particle masses are too big to have been carried up from Earth and, like the alien life forms we find, must be incoming to Earth from space.”
This is not the first time scientists have found evidence of alien life. On January 30, 2015 they announced that they found evidence of aliens or extraterrestrial life forms raining down on Earth in a “titanium sphere.”

According to the researchers, the microscopic titanium sphere about 30 microns in diameter (about the width of a human hair), contains biological material.
“It is a ball about the width of a human hair, which has filamentous life on the outside and a gooey biological material oozing from its center. We were stunned when X-ray analysis showed that the sphere is made up mainly of titanium, with a trace of vanadium. One theory is it was sent to Earth by some unknown civilization in order to continue seeding the planet with life,” the science team said.
The researchers described the microscopic titanium sphere as an “extraterrestrial life-seed” that falls from space into the Earth’s atmosphere, bursts open, spewing its genetic and biological material, which then propagates on Earth.
They argued that the titanium sphere packaging was designed by a technologically advanced alien species seeking to infect Earth with alien life forms and colonize Earth.
The researchers wrote in a June, 2014, publication that they isolated a “Presumptive Fossilized Bacterial Biofilm Occurring in a Commercially Sourced Mars Meteorite.”
In a recent paper published with the famous proponent of the panspermia theory, Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, titled “The Transition from Earth-centered Biology to Cosmic Life,” the researchers argued that paradigm shift in favor of the panspermia theory has been taking place over the past three decades.
However, the team’s research findings continue to be viewed with suspicion by mainstream scientific researchers who say that Wainwright, Wikramasinghe, and their colleagues in the panspermia theory movement have not provided convincing scientific evidence in support of their theory.
What do you think? Should these findings be regarded as proof of the existence of extraterrestrial life-forms? Is it possible these organisms were deliberately designed and sent by an advanced extraterrestrial race to colonize other planets?