– Could this be the true location of Alexander the Great’s grave?
The location of the cave is being kept secret by the Jordanian government. There are some rumors the cave was known and guarded by a secret unknown organization, preventing the outside world to learn about these incredible objects.
However, Baghdad Djillali Difallah feels it is important to reveal the truth about this discovery to the public.
“It’s been three years since I carried this burden, it frees me that the whole world knows, it was time for me to reveal it. I am relieved to have made public my discovery; it was buried deep in me as an archaeological relic. But this treasure belongs to the heritage of humanity,” Baghdad Djillali Difallah said.
According to Baghdad Djillali Difallah this is the greatest archaeological treasure of all-time. Although the treasure hunter found the grave in 2011, it took two years for the news to be disclosed and finally made public.
The announcement took place on 25 July 2013, at the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris. Baghdad Djillali Difallah held his first press conference to reveal his incredible discovery.
On two occasions, in particular, equipped with an oxygen mask and a makeshift lamp, Baghdad Djillali Difallah expressed his “indescribable emotion” when entering the rooms where the treasures were lying after walking trough incredible corridors.
See also:
How Did Alexander The Great Die?
Why Was Alexander The Great A Military Genius?
First Ever Non-Biblical Mosaic Depicting Alexander The Great Discovered Inside A Synagogue
“How amazing it was to be suddenly facing the golden sarcophagus decorated with a royal ready to take off eagle. I was there after years of expectation of this fabulous moment,” Baghdad Djillali Difallah recalls.
It is now up to Jordanian authorities and the King of Jordan to reveal the content of the tomb and tell the public about this remarkable discovery.
The problem is that many Jordanians are upset over the corruption as many priceless ancient treasures have been sold and looted in the past. What will happen to the wonderful objects discovered in the secret cave?
Will they mysteriously vanish or will they be properly examined and one day admired by the public?
Baghdad Djillali Difallah still hopes that Jordanian archaeologists will organize excavations conduct investigation of the object in order to determine their date and true origin.
Nothing more has been heard of this remarkalbe discovery…
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