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Another Universe Existed Before This One And There Were Multiple Big Bangs – Nobel Prize Winner Roger Penrose Says

Cynthia McKanzie –  – Nobel Prize winner in physics Sir Roger Penrose has put forward a fascinating theory, suggesting another Universe existed before this one and we can still observe parts of it!

If Professor Sir Roger Penrose, a mathematician and physicist from the University of Oxford, is correct it would mean there were multiple Big Bangs and the universe goes through cycles of death and rebirth.

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Sir Roger Penrose has won the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity.

According to the Nobel Prize website: “Penrose used ingenious mathematical methods in his proof that black holes are a direct consequence of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity.”

The Oxford Professor said he had found six ‘warm’ points in the sky (dubbed ‘Hawking Points’) which are around eight times the diameter of the Moon.

These warm points in the sky are named after Professor Stephen Hawking, who theorized that black holes ‘leak’ radiation and eventually evaporate away entirely.

Sir Roger Penrose says he thinks that ‘dead’ black holes from earlier universes or ‘aeons’ are observable now. If true, it would prove Hawking’s theories were correct.

“I claim that there is observation of Hawking radiation.

“The Big Bang was not the beginning. There was something before the Big Bang and that something is what we will have in our future,” Sir Penrose said speaking from his home.

“We have a universe that expands and expands, and all mass decays away, and in this crazy theory of mine, that remote future becomes the Big Bang of another aeon.

“So our Big Bang began with something which was the remote future of a previous aeon and there would have been similar black holes evaporating away, via Hawking evaporation, and they would produce these points in the sky, that I call Hawking Points.

“We are seeing them. These points are about eight times the diameter of the Moon and are slightly warmed up regions. There is pretty good evidence for at least six of these points.”

The idea is controversial, but there are scientists who think our Universe goes through a cycle of death and rebirth. This is basically what the Big Crunch theory is about. It’s a hypothetical scenario for the ultimate fate of the universe, in which the expansion of the universe eventually reverses and the universe recollapses, ultimately causing the cosmic scale factor to reach zero, an event potentially followed by a reformation of the universe starting with another Big Bang.

To even consider the possibility there may have been another Universe before this one is hard for most. We still cannot understand the complexity of the Universe we live in or even the celestial bodies in Earth’s vicinity.

Yet, those of you who enjoy pondering some of the biggest questions in cosmology, physics, and astronomy will appreciate Sir Roger Penrose’s theory of ‘Hawking Points’ that has recently been published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Written by Cynthia McKanzie – Staff Writer

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