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Ancient Mystery Of The Man Mound And The Giant With Horns In Wisconsin

Ancient Mystery Of The Man Mound And The Giant With Horns In Wisconsin

Ellen Lloyd – – Ancient people left behind many structures and carvings that intrigue us, but it’s not always clear who made what, when, and why.

In North America, there are so many ancient mounds that hold vital clues to the past, but when trying to unravel some of their secrets we are often left with speculations and little facts. Perhaps that is what makes these ancient structures so interesting to us.

Ancient Mystery Of The Man Mound And The Giant With Horns In Wisconsin

Who was the giant with horns and who were the people who made him? Left: Credit: Sauk County Wisconsin – Right: Credit: wiscnews

When investigating ancient mounds in North America archaeologists are often told by Native American tribes these structures are sacred to them, but they were not built by their people. Natives say these mounds have been there long before the Indians came to the area.

Source: Read rest of the article here

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