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Amergin: First Druid And ‘Wondrously Born’ Son Of Mil, Founder Of Poetry, Was Judge In Irish Mythology

A. Sutherland  – – Among the shape-shifting magicians of the Celts in Irish mythology, there was once Amergin (Amairgin or Amergin Glúingel), the son of Prince Mil (Míl Espáine), whose name later, in Latin was Milesius).

These ancient people are known as the  “sons of Míl” or Milesians. One of them was Amergin, one of the first Druids. He was the mythical ancestor of the final inhabitants of Ireland.

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As a Druid (meaning “sorcerer”), Amergin, whose name means “Wondrously Born,” served as a chief poet, bard, fortune teller and also performed the duties of a judge among the Milesians. His decisions were unchangeable.

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