– For years as I have struggled to understand the issues and implications of extraterrestrial contact.
I have wondered that there has got to be a better way to organize society than autocracy. The problems with autocracy are enormous. The most egregious problem is the tendency for the privileged at the top of the pyramid of power in both overt and covert autocracies, to amass resources and information to the detriment of the lower classes.
If our bodies operated this way the left hand would grow fat, and the left hand would starve leaving the body to soon die.
This got me to thinking that maybe ethically advanced extraterrestrial societies were organized and the same as the body, and that nature was evolving a higher order of fractal organizing individuals the same as cells.
If we think about it, most of the body processes, the distribution of resources, the removal of waste, communications, digestion etc. are all going on unconsciously allowing the conscious mind to go about its business of the day. I figured if we could understand this, then we have literally right under our noses the answer to creating a better and more civilized societal organization!
I was already at the point in my thinking that today’s electronic communications and computers were already beginning to serve as electronic brains and wiring, in ways similar to brain cells and nerves.
Then I was introduced to this obscure alleged contactee book called ‘Ami Child of the Stars’ that essentially spelled out what I was already coming to realize. It really does not matter if this is a real case or a work of fiction because the concepts are very advanced.
‘Ami Child of the Stars’ describes civilizations run and organized by supercomputers to the extent that craft were being made visible to selected numbers of people, who were not necessarily being selected at random, as part of their acclimation plan for earth.
The book describes how a citizen of this society can check out a spaceship at no cost or order food, just as we check out a book from a library, and that galactic supercomputers not only run and navigate the craft, but protect it from collisions in real time.
It occurs to me that this kind of societal organization would only be possible across vast distances, only if the society was using quantum supercomputers and quantum communication networks.
Please keep in mind – quantum computing and quantum communications – are out of the realm of science fiction, and though rudimentary, are now science fact.
Just as interesting was the idea that the society could measure the level of love in not just individuals, but the society as a whole, with the idea being that for an advanced society to function and not collapse, it had to have an aggregate level of love as the glue holding such an advanced society together.
Furthermore it was claimed these more advanced peaceful societies were protected by natural safeguards in that evolving primitive societies would collapse and recycle, until they reached a level of love amongst the individuals that would allow the society to move to the more advance organizational state.
They said they were observing us but their ability to interfere in our society was limited because of the importance of free will and the natural order. They would not take control and prevent a collapse once again of our society, because that would not only violate our free will, but they would then be forced to intervene, something that they did not want to do because it would also violate the safeguards of the natural order of things that organized the universe.
One of the most significant things stated in this obscure work was that if they were to show themselves openly, and the people realized how well off they were, the public would want to emulate them and thus instigate a civil war between the public and our autocratic leaders. We only have to look to what is going on in Syria where they people have seen how much better off other societies are and want that for their country. The Syrian leadership is willing to fight to the death to retain their privileged position in society.
I would suggest that this civil war is already ongoing as a covert war against the public by the ruling classes. Because of their privileged position they soon realized 70 years ago the implications and issues involving contact, and took aggressive steps to maintain their privileged position in society, launching a covert war against humanity. I suspect as disclosure quickens, this covert propaganda and disinformation war, will soon to erupt into overt conflict as people wake up to the truth about extraterrestrial contact, and its implications to their liberty and way of life.
The problem we are collectively up against right now, is that most people in the UFO/ET field are in the collection and analysis stage of intelligence gathering, while our opposition the global elite have moved far beyond that to acting on issues and implications. In any struggle a party that is at the intelligence collection and analysis level is at extreme disadvantage to the party at the issues and implications level! So the question is how best to try to get our troops up to the issues and implications level.
In my book UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder I provide plenty of collection and analysis, but woven throughout are the issues and implications. I think the book is the best compact intelligence product available to the people, up against an elite that have direct access to the best intelligence directly from the NSA, CIA and MJ-12 on a daily basis.
Written by Ed Komarek – – Contributor
About the author:
Ed Komarek has over 40 years of experience in the UFO field and is one of the founders of the newly emerging field of Exopolitics. He is the author of UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder.
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