Dodecahedron: Sophisticated Ancient Device Found In Europe And Asia

A. Sutherland  – – Over the years, almost thirty theories regarding mysterious dodecahedrons have been documented, many dismissed, and none considered satisfactory.

Dodecahedron: Sophisticated Ancient Device Found In Europe And Asia

Roman bronze dodecahedron found in Tongeren, Gallo-Roman Museum, Tongeren, Leopoldwal, 1939, collectie Gallo-Romeins Museum Tongeren, 4002. Image credit: Public Domain

They are considered an ancient archaeological mystery despite many attempts to solve it.

The enigmatic artifact is a hollow bronze polyhedron with twelve pentagonal faces, each with a different-sized hole, thirty ridges, and twenty vertices decorated with solid balls of small diameter. It has persisted as an enigma within the annals of Gallo-Roman archaeological records to the present day. It still captivates scholars and researchers alike.

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