Chalchihuitlicue: Beautiful, Dangerous, Changeable And Unpredictable Water Goddess In Aztec Mythology

A. Sutherland – – From the beginning of human history, water has held a significant role in people’s belief systems. Long ago, they realized that they couldn’t live without it.

Chalchihuitlicue: Beautiful, Dangerous, Changeable And Unpredictable Water Goddess In Aztec Mythology

Chalchiuhtlicue Aztec Goddess Of Water (Musée du quai Branly). Image credit: Sailko – CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED

They also recognized the profound influence of water on nature as a whole. Even our ancestors acknowledged water as one of the four fundamental elements, which, together with earth, fire, and air, constituted their understanding of the world’s order. Water was personified in almost every culture and was worshiped as a powerful deity. People turned to their powerful deities during times of both scarcity and abundance of water, during droughts and floods alike.

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