Laocoon – A Trojan Priest Who Offended The Gods And Was Strangled By Sea Serpents

A. Sutherland  –  – According to Greek mythology, Laocoon was a Trojan priest who offended the gods. As punishment, Laocoon and his and his two sons were strangled by sea serpents.

The stories from ancient Greece also tell us that the walls of Troy were built by the two powerful gods – Apollo and Poseidon while they were in exile for rebellion against the mighty Zeus.

Laocoon - A Trojan Priest Who Offended The Gods And Was Strangled By Sea Serpents

Death of Laocoön from the Vatican Vergil. Scanned by David Stapleton (Dsmdgold). Artist Unknown – Vatican Vergil (Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica, Cod. Vat. lat. 3225) Folio 18v. Public Domain

By marrying a woman (he also had two sons), the priest violated the celibacy order, thereby incurring the wrath of Apollo.

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