Uplistsikhe Devastated By Genghis-Khan Hordes But Once City-Fortress Of Queen Tamar
|A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – Uplistsikhe (today in ruins) is a cave-town fortress, one of the oldest religious, political and cultural centers of present-day Georgia located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. In ancient times, Uplistsikhe was a pagan holy place.
The city was also one of the oldest urban settlements in the Caucasus. It arose at the dawn of the Iron Age, at the beginning of the first millennium BC and stood directly on the path of the old Silk Road.
Over three thousand years of its history it has experienced several ups and downs. In 13th century, it was destroyed by the invading Mongols led by Hulagu, Genghis Khan grandson, in the XIII century. Then it was left and abandoned.