Extraterrestrial Super-Civilizations Can Hide Their Sun By Building A Biosphere Around It

Cynthia McKanzie – MessageToEagle.com –  According to a famous physicist, a highly advanced extraterrestrial civilization living in another solar system can hide their sun in order to save energy. This can be accomplished by building a shell around the star.

Dr. Freeman J. Dyson, a theoretical physicist, and mathematician believes that by destroying their planets, advanced alien civilizations can use the pieces to build a hollow ball around their sun.

Dr. Dyson is referring to civilizations that may be millions of years ahead of the Earth. Such advanced beings could possess superior technology and they may have rearranged their solar systems to meet the needs of their exploding populations.

A hollow ball built around the sun would solve space and energy problems. It would also cut off the sun’s light. To detect such an advanced civilization, earthlings would have to detect the invisible heat radiation from the hollow ball.

Using our own solar system as an example, Dr. Dyson calculates that it would take about 3,000 years for population and technology to expand one trillion times at the rate of one percent a year
Pressures of population and energy needs could be met only by trapping all of the sun’s radiated energy.

To trap the energy, earthlings could knock apart the planet Jupiter and rearrange it as a hollow ball about 10 feet thick with a diameter twice the size of the earth’s orbit.

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How “alien” are extraterrestrial worlds?

This would take all the energy given off by the sun in 800 years. Such a sphere would be “comfortably habitable.”

“The form of “biosphere” which I envisaged consists of a loose collection or swarm of objects traveling on independent orbits around the star. The size and shape of the individual objects would be chosen to suit the inhabitants. I did not indulge in speculations concerning the constructional details of the biosphere since the expected emission of infrared radiation is independent of such details,” Dr. Dyson explained.

See also:

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Dr. Dyson also pointed out that he is not suggesting that this is what will happen in the solar system, but only proposes what may have happened in other stellar systems.
Dr. Dyson also said that the search for extraterrestrial intelligent beings should not be confined to the neighborhood of visible stars.
The most likely habitat for such beings would be a dark object, having a size comparable with the Earth’s orbit, and a surface temperature of 200 deg. to 300 deg. K.

Such a dark object would be radiating as copiously as the star which is hidden inside it, but the radiation would be in the far-infrared, around 10 microns wavelength.

” I propose then that a search for point sources of infrared radiation be attempted, either independently or in conjunction with the search for artificial radio emissions. A scan of the entire sky for objects down to the 5th or 6th magnitude would be desirable but is probably beyond the capability of existing techniques of detection.

If an undirected scan is impossible, it would be worthwhile as a preliminary measure to look for anomalously intense radiation in the 10-micron range associated with visible stars. Such radiation might be seen in the neighborhood of a visible star under either of two conditions.

Are alien super-civilizations creating artificial biospeheres and hiding their planets and stars? Image credit: Adam Burn

A race of intelligent beings might be unable to exploit fully the energy radiated by their star because insufficiency of accessible matter or they might live in an artificial biosphere surrounding one star of a multiple system in which one or more component stars are unsuitable for exploitation and would still be visible to us. It is impossible to guess the probability that either of these circumstances would arise for a particular race of extraterrestrial intelligent beings. But it is reasonable to begin the search for infrared radiation of artificial origin by looking in the direction of nearby visible stars, and especially in the direction of stars which are known to be binaries with visible companions, ” Dr. Dyson said.
The suggestion by Freeman J. Dyson for investigating solar far-infrared radiation as one way to detect extraterrestrial intelligence sounds quite practical and sensible.

This leads me to suspect that if Dyson’s assumption is correct – that intelligent beings exist of a far higher order technological achievement than our own – it would be well – nigh impossible for such beings not to have detected us,” said Eugene A. Sloane, air engineer, Detroit, Michigan.

Written by Cynthia McKanzie – MessageToEagle.com Staff Writer

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