Unique 1,500-Years-Old Ancient Shaman Statue Guarding An Underground Burial Chamber

MessageToEagle.com – He was placed there 1,500 years ago, to guard the underground burial chamber and protect it from evil forces.

Equipped with a weapon in his hand, those who put him there never knew he would later be found and admired by future generations.

It is very unusual to find ancient statues as intact as this one. Many statues and artifacts fall victim to tomb raiders over the centuries and precious ancient history is lost forever.

Ancient Shaman
Archaeologist Marco Zavaleta was one of the scientists who discovered the statue.

This time the case is different. A team of archaeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) discovered an ancient shaman sculpture in the entrance of an underground burial chamber in Villa de Alverez.

Ancient Shaman
It is very unusual to find an ancient statue so intact.

“With regards to the figure of the shaman, he was found upright and is holding some kind of weapon, probably an axe.
He was placed exactly at the entrance, towards the crypt.

He is some kind of a guardian of the main character deposited inside the shaft tomb,” explained archaeologist Marco Zavaleta.
In the same region, scientists also discovered burials of around 35 adults and three infants in cists – small stone coffin-like boxes.

Ancient Shaman
He “sees” the light again after being hidden underground for 1,500 years.

The square shaft, which is around one-and-a-half metres deep, is thought to date to between 300 AD and 600AD and leads to an underground vault measuring  approximately two metres squared, containing bones of either one or two individuals, physical anthropologist Rosa Maria Flores Ramirez explained.

See also:

Mystery Of The Shaman of Newark – A Remarkable Ancient Artifact Of An Unknown Creature

9,000-Year-Old Shaman’s Sanctuary Discovered In North-Western Poland

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They could have been moved to the sides of the vault to make way for another individual who was found lying on his back, who was presumably buried slightly later.

Ancient Shaman
The sculpture has a long face and holds a weapon to guard the shaft tomb.

Shamans played a very important role in ancient Mexico. It was believed that shamans could trough rituals and special ceremonies intervene magically in the supernatural world and restore order, benefiting the entire community.

Shamans were also associated with soul-like companion animals, particularly jaguars. It was believed that shamans were shape-shifters who could transform themselves into various animals and disguise themselves.

It was common practice for people of ancient Mexico to put a shaman statue to guard the underground burial chambers.
