7 Ancient Lost Civilizations Buried Under The Sand
|MessageToEagle.com – Deserts make up about 33% of the Earth’s surface. In ancient times, places that are today covered with sand where green, warm and had access to water. Remains of ancient civilizations have been found under the sands of deserts in many places.
In this top list we examine traces of some ancient civilizations and lost ancient world that are buried under the sand across the world.
1. Secret Ancient World Buried Under The Vast Takla Makan Desert
There is a giant underground ocean hidden under the mysterious Taklamakan desert and there could be many fascinating ancient artifacts buried the the sand.
The Taklamakan desert is the largest desert in China and it is also considered to be the world’s second largest shifting-sand desert covering an area of over 33, 700 square kilometers (over 13,000 square miles). In Uigur language, Takla Makan means ‘you can get into it but can never get out’ and that is why the desert is also called ‘the Sea of Death’.
Ancient people believed that once you entered this place there was no way out. A very long time ago, there were houses and temples here. Today, everything is buried under the sand.
Precious ancient relics are hidden deep under the “Sea of Death”, or the Taklamakan desert.
Archaeologists are beginning to discover some of the secrets that have been hidden in this mysterious region. Still, it seems that we are only scratching the surface and only time will tell what more wonders are waiting to be unraveled.
Swedish explorer Sven Hedin made a surprising discovery at the oasis town of Dandan Oilik, in the heart of the Taklamakan Desert. Hedin found many remains of houses. Then Aurel Stein, another explorer known as a pioneer of the Silk Road, stayed there for two weeks, and found the remains of another 18 residential houses and identified some temples. He also found documents from the Tang and Han dynasties.
In 1900, Hedin once again visited the Taklamakan. In this expedition, he found the ruins of the ancient city Loulan, buried under the sand. Read more
2. Strange Ancient Labyrinth City Under The Sands Of The Kara Kum Desert
Four decades ago, a startling discovery was made, when a team of researchers led by the celebrated Greek-Russian archaeologist V.I.Sarianidi opened the Temple City Gonur Tepe, located in western Turkmenistan.
Now, the ruins of the city begin to reveal its ancient artifacts and curious vast walls and structures.
More than four thousand years ago, Gonur Tepe was home to one of the most advanced but little-known civilization in this region of Asia.
People lived in a huge building complex covering approximately 30 hectares that can only be clearly seen from the air. The complex gives an impression of a strange labyrinth surrounded by vast walls, located in the middle of the Kara Kum desert of Turkmenistan, one of the most desolated places of the world. Read more
3. Mysterious Ancient Structures Hidden Under The Sand In The Sahara Desert
In ancient times, some thousand years ago, the Sahara desert was fertile grassland.
Then something happened and the Green Sahara turned into a desert.
Today there is enough evidence to show that the Sahara desert had once a grassland ecosystem and was a much wetter place than it is today.
What ancient secrets are hidden beneath the sand is still an unsolved mystery. Satellite images reveal intriguing and mysterious structures in the Sahara desert. The constructions are either damaged pyramids or antediluvian remains.
Something is very large is hidden under the sand and we don’t know what it is.
Angela Micol, founder of The Satellite Archaeology Foundation, Inc. has discovered puzzling ancient structures that could be several thousand years old. Based on the satellite imagery, Micol suggests that the mounds might represent eroded pyramids. According to Micol there is incredible evidence at the Abu Sidhum site and the structures could be much older than many in Egypt.
If this site is proven to be an artificial pyramid/mound site it could date back to the Predynastic or the Prehistoric period of ancient Egypt, making this one of the oldest known pyramid/mound complexes in Egypt. Read more
4. Unsolved Enigma Of The Lost Ancient City In The Kalahari Desert

The Kalahari Desert is a large semi-arid sandy savannah in southern Africa extending 900,000 square kilometers, covering much of Botswana and parts of Namibia and South Africa.
The Kalahari has a total extent of about 850,000 square kilometers (350 000 square miles) and the word Kalahari means “dry, waterless place”.
It is believed that the ruins of ancient cities lie beneath the sands of the Kalahari Desert and they must be very old.
This time our journey takes us to South Africa where we look for traces of the lost ancient city of Kalahari.
There are several legends of lost city in the Kalahari Desert in southwestern Africa.
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Did the city ever exist or will this ancient place remain an unsolved enigma or can some of the mysterious ruins discovered in the desert shed more light on the story?
For more than a century there have been rumors relating the existence of a massive city, covered by the sands of the Kalahari.
According to the Bushmen and Hottentots (now called Khoi Khoi)living in this region, once upon a time there was city here that were not built by them, but by an ancient civilization. Read more
5. Mysterious Ruins Of Nuevo Albergis In The Atacama Desert
The site, located in the Atacama desert, a 105,000 square kilometer (41,000 sq mi) plateau along the Pacific coast of Chile, has attracted the focused attention of only a few to date.
However, Holly Ahlberg, who is using Google Earth from her personal computer out of her home in the Sedona Shadows community in Sedona, Arizona hopes that her find will develop into a major archaeological discovery. Ahlberg has discovered several odd lines and markings in the desert. Was this place once home to an ancient lost civilization that is buried under the sand? Read more
6. Mysterious Gobi Sea And A Huge Land Inhabited By The Real Sons Of God
There was a time in the distant past, before a catastrophe took place, when the Gobi Desert, which spans areas of China and Mongolia, had indeed been covered by water – a great sea with a wonderful island, according to an ancient legend and a scientific view as well.
President Roosevelt himself proposed the expedition as he believed that trees at one time grew in the Gobi Desert and that when the trees were cut down, the climate changed.
If trees could be grown there again, he thought, it would correct the climate.
According to ancient legends, an island, where now the Gobi Desert lies, was inhabited by the last remnant of the race that preceded ours. Also sacred Chinese writings and the Tibetan Book of Dzyan confirm that in remote times, long before the Biblical Adam and Eve, there was a huge land inhabited by the real Sons of God, the “white men with blue eyes and fair hair”, who “descended from heaven”. This mysterious place was the seat of one of the richest empires the world ever saw. Beneath the surface are said to lie such wealth, in gold, jewels, statuary, arms, utensils, and all that indicates civilization, luxury and fine arts, as no existing capital of Christendom can show today.
The Gobi sand moves regularly from east to west before terrific gales that blow continually. Occasionally some of the hidden treasures are uncovered, but not a native dare touch them for the whole district is under the ban of a mighty spell. Read more
7. Mystery Of Calico Early Man Site In The Mojave Desert: Ancient Overlooked Site In North America
What ancient secrets can we expect to find in the Mojave Desert?
One of the strangest and most mysterious archeological sites in North America is the Calico Early Man site located just outside the town of Barstow in San Bernardino County in the central Mojave Desert of southern California. Is Calico Early Man site one of the most overlooked and important ancient sites in North America? In 1942, amateur archaeologists discovered what they believed to be primitive stone tools in this area, but were the “tools” made by humans or through typical geological processes? Because of the potentially ancient age of the artifacts, The Calico Early Man Site has always been highly controversial in the field of archaeology.
If the artifacts are indeed prehistoric stone tools, then it means humans settled on the shores of ancient Pleistocene lake more than 30,000 years ago.
Can some more ancient artifacts still be buried under the sands of the Mojave Desert? Read more
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