3,400-Year-Old Canaanite Figurine Discovered By 7-Year-Old Boy

MessageToEagle.com – A 3,400 year old statue was recently uncovered by a 7-year-old boy while on a trip with friends to the Canaanite archaeological site of Tel Rehov, the Israel Antiquities Authority informed in a press release.

Seven year old Ori Greenhut, from the communal settlement of Tel Te’omin in the Beit Sheʽan Valley, came across a stone that had shifted and suddenly saw an image of a person covered with soil. Ori rubbed away the mud that adhered to the object and thus discovered the clay figurine.

The 3,400 year old figurine Copyright: Clara Amit, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority
The 3,400 year old figurine. Copyright: Clara Amit, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority

He took the artifact home and his family turned it over to the Israel Antiquities Authority.

“We explained to him that it was an ancient object and that the Antiquities Authority would take care of it for everybody’s benefit,” says his mother, Moriya Greenhut.

The clay figurine portrays a naked standing woman which was prepared by pressing soft clay into a mold.

3,400-year-old figurine is roughly five-inches tall, and it could be depiction of a goddess or a real woman. Credits: Israel Antiquities Authority
3,400-year-old figurine is roughly five-inches tall, and it could be depiction of a goddess or a real woman. Credits: Israel Antiquities Authority

“It is typical of the Canaanite culture of the 15th–13th centuries BC,” said Amihai Mazar, professor emeritus at Hebrew University and expedition director of the archaeological excavations at Tel Rehov, who examined the figurine.

See also:

Large Collection Of 3,000-Year-Old Textiles Discovered In Arava Valley, Israel

Remains Of 3,400-Year-Old Canaanite Citadel Unearthed In Nahariya, Western Galilee

Ancient Mystery Of Acra Citadel Solved

“Some archaeologists think the figure depicted here is that of a real flesh and blood woman, and others view her as the fertility goddess Astarte, known from Canaanite sources and from the Bible. It is highly likely that the term trafim mentioned in the Bible indeed refers to figurines of this kind”.

“Evidently the figurine belonged to one of the residents of the city of Rehov, which was then ruled by the central government of the Egyptian pharaohs”.
